The Scrollbar class has no objects and attributes itself. It just connects a proportional gadget and two button gadgets with approriate imagery to make up a scrollbar. Since Scrollbar class is a subclass of Group class, every attribute and method is passed through to all of its children. Thus, you can talk and listen to a scrollbar as if it was just a single prop gadget. You can use the attribute MUIA_Group_Horiz as with any other group to determine if the scrollbar should be horizontal or vertical. By default, a vertical scrollbar is generated.
Attribute Ver ISG Type ----------------------------------- --- --- -------------------- MUIA_Scrollbar_Type V11 I.. LONG
NAME MUIA_Scrollbar_Type -- (V11) [I..], LONG SPECIAL INPUTS MUIV_Scrollbar_Type_Default MUIV_Scrollbar_Type_Bottom MUIV_Scrollbar_Type_Top MUIV_Scrollbar_Type_Sym FUNCTION Specify a certain scrollbar type. Normally, you should respect the users choice and avoid using this attribute.
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